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Discipleship Training Correspondence Instructions
“Follow my example as I follow Christ.”(1 Corinthians 11:1) 1. Be Discipled
“(Jesus) said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
We offer the discipleship training that Jesus modeled in a 3 Book Series, ‘A Journey with Jesus’, which includes all 58 lessons used by Jesus!
Our proposal is a relationship- based approach to personally walk with you through each one of Jesus’ Discipleship Teaching Lessons, via e-mail, by having you:
2. Become Equipped to Make Disciples
"A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:40
Be encouraged that Jesus, the Creator of the Universe, did not come to Earth to start a mega church but to invest His truth-filled lessons into the hearts of 12 Disciples, of whom it was later said, “These men turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6)! It is not the ability of men but God alone who brings the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6).
3. Begin to Make Disciples
“(Jesus) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them
to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:17-20 By this method of disciple making, the model ofJesus, the means of the Words themselves in Jesus’ Commandments and His daily Helper, the Holy Spirit, He gave to us to duplicate, not to re-invent.
Jesus himself said, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me . . . and he who loves me will be loved by my Father” (John 14:14, (21), 23, 15:9-10).
Jesus also said, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Revelation 21:14, now . . . “Go . . . Make Disciples” (Matthew 28:17-20), which is our Great Co-Mission with Christ!
Now, lets together, "Follow Jesus", in this
A Journey with Jesus Jesus' Discipleship Training Let's begin with Four Introductory Teachings, to Jesus' Discipleship Training, before we Launch into Jesus' Commandment Teachings:
Let's begin with four Introductory Teachings, before we Launch into Jesus' Commandment Teachings:
A Journey with Jesus Jesus' Discipleship Training ‘A Journey with Jesus’, 3 Book Series: Lessons 1 - 58 Instructions to Discipleship Correspondence
Also, accessible at our Web Site is our entire Spiritual Growth Process:, with many other Downloadable “Systematic” Spiritual Growth Lessons. A Journey with Jesus – Book 1 - Fishers of Men – a new worldview. (6 hrs) – (a FreeDevotional Versionof Books 1-3can be found at Appointed
The Introduction.
A Journey with Jesus – Book 1 - Fishers of Men– new family values. (12 hrs)
*** Begin reading the rest of the Bible. How to Study the Bible – teaches believers how to effectively read and study the Bible. (3 hrs) *** Public Celebration – this is the end of the Childhood stage. Stage 3 - Adolescence: “I feel really close to Christ and depend on Him for daily guidance.”
*** Begin serving in a ministry of the church. A Journey with Jesus – Book 2 – Into the Harvest – the kingdom of God. (3 hrs)
Gifts of the Spirit– equips the believer to use spiritual gifts. (10 hrs)· Receiving spiritual gifts.
*** Begin to purposefully declare the Gospel at every opportunity God gives you. Use your personal testimony and spiritual gifts in conjunction with it. A Journey with Jesus – Book 2 – Into the Harvest – discipleship. (5 hrs)
A Journey with Jesus – Book 2 – Into the Harvest– problems in the church. (4 hrs)
A Journey with Jesus – Book 2 – Into the Harvest– the attitude of a servant. (6 hrs)
*** Go on a cross-cultural mission project at home or abroad. *** Public Celebration – this is the end of the Adolescencestage.The believer should experience the “laying on of hands” by the leaders for additional giftings and empowerment for service because he has just moved into adulthood. Stage 4 - Adulthood: “God is all I need in my life. He is enough. Everything I do is a reflection of Christ.”
Small Group Dynamics– It teaches the believer how small groups operate and how to facilitate them (6 hrs – seminar format – two sessions) A Journey with Jesus – Book 3 – Building the Temple– life lessons. (8 hrs)
*** Two believers should form a team to facilitate the Spiritual Growth Process for new believers. A Journey with Jesus – Book 3 – Building the Temple– 2nd coming of Christ (5 hrs)
A Journey with Jesus – Book 3 – Building the Temple– Last things (10 hrs)
Overview of Church History– teaches the history of the church as a whole. (10 hrs) *** Public Celebration – A Last Supper should mark the end of his original small group experience. The believer should complete the entire Spiritual Maturity Process. No matter what the believer’s specific call is, the understanding of the Spiritual Maturity Process is critical. Receive advanced training as the Lord leads. Discover and engage in God’s specific ministry call for him. |