Key 2 Changes Book Series |
How can these books be used?
Fishers of Men
A Journey with Jesus Book 1 Introduces Christians to the subject of becoming disciples of Jesus Christ and covers the first 17 lessons He taught His disciples. Beginning with His command to “Follow Me,” Jesus lays a solid foundation of instructions for developing the character of Christ within individuals.
Printed Book
Kindle Version
What kind of content do the books contain?
Into the Harvest
A Journey with Jesus Book 2 Connects Christians to people through ministry. Jesus uses lessons 18 through 39 to add structure to the lives of spiritually maturing disciples, teaching them about the kingdom of God, evangelism, caring for people, church discipline, freedom from fear, praying with faith and servant-hood.
Printed Book
Kindle Version
What happens when the books are used?
Building the Temple
Journey with Jesus Book 3 Focuses on the last things Jesus taught just prior to His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. In lessons 40 through 57, Jesus furnishes the disciples with insights that will give them the capabilities to pass on His legacy to others. He teaches them about the future, receiving the Holy Spirit and the Great Commission.
Printed Book
Kindle Version
Key 2 Changes Companion Book "Follow Me" - A Message From God
Follow Me weaves together the life of Jesus, the Christ, into one seamless chronological account . . . from His miraculous birth, to His ascension into Heaven. The book is extremely well footnoted so that the reader can more fully understand the events that surround the Messiah and His coming to earth. It is structured to make the readers feel like they are walking with Jesus and being taught by Him on His journey through life.
In response to the "Great Commission" that Jesus gave to His disciples . . . "to teach others to observe all that He commanded." The author has highlighted with bold type all the commands that Jesus gave His disciples to do and to teach others. Follow Me also serves as primer and companion to the teaching series entitled: "A Journey with Jesus," which features all the commands Jesus gave His disciples in fifty-six individual teaching sessions. That teaching series can be viewed above and consists of three books: "Fishers of Men," "Into the Harvest" and "Building the Temple." Printed Book