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Olver, Rich and DianaMissionaries & Disciple MakersTestimony:
When we first got to Commerce City, CO, I had a man come into the Chapel, at the Sapp's Brothers, who told me he was going to jump off the bridge and kill himself, but instead he looked up and saw the Chapel at the truck stop and decided to walk over and come in. I talked to him for a while and asked him if he was ready to except the Lord as his savior. We said the sinner's prayer, and then he left. Right then and there I knew we had made the right decision to move out here to minister to the trucking community. Testimony:
We had a husband and wife come in one night for prayer and they were giving their testimony. After hearing it, we saw a lot of similarities to our two stories, but one thing was different, and that was we knew we had to put "God First". So we knew what they were going through. This couple didn't think we could be as dysfunctional as they were, which made them think that there was hope for them too. We prayed with them before they left. Testimony:
Recently we took a trip to Pennsylvania for a month. We really enjoyed being with our family. We were temped with a house for half the rent price we were paying back in Colorado, and a mile away from our kids. Diana so wanted to stay there and not come back to Denver. I reminded her that we had things to finish up in Denver and that the deceiver, Satan, was going to try to distract us from our calling. So instead of falling into the trap, we returned back to Denver, CO, until the Lord says we can go back to Pennsylvania. As we had learned from the beginning of this Journey, "The Lord comes First." (Click "Support.", then "Quick Give", and then select