The Heart Beat of the Legacy.
What I began to realize was that the Visions and Prophecies that God was giving to Daniel was for God’s unveiling for His people in this Generation“Now”. It was at this time that I began to question the value of the Discipleship Training my step-father and I had developed and was sharing to the Church both locally and around the world, especially when it was looking like our time was very short to Jesus beginning to rule the earth soon, and that it would seem that it would be more important to teach these End Times teaching than Jesus’ own teaching to His Disciples. Again, I did not "Expect" the Lord to answer my concerns so quickly, once again, by reminding me what His instruction, through His Discipleship Training, was for these End Times:
God was telling me that the signs were not our concern, other than a time table for us, but the task of taking the gospel* to the ends of the earth was the only thing He wanted us to focus all of our efforts on, that none would perish, especially His own Church.
It was brought to my remembrance that Philadelphia Church was given to my step-father by one of his Tax Client’s because he believed that my step-father was going to be the End Times Pastor to the Church of Philadelphia:
And although my step-father only led Philadelphia Church in the last four years of his life, I believe what the Lord was telling him was that the revelation/teaching that He had given him would be the strategy and foundation of the End Times Church, “an open door, which no one is able to shut”, without which, “many will fall away”, but for those who follow Jesus’ teaching and instruction, they will be the ones who “endure to the end and are saved”. The message that God was speaking to me was more about His Covenant and Promises being fulfilled and realized (“Then the Lord said . . . ‘for I am watching over my word to perform it,” Jeremiah 1:12) than my step-father having to be around to see it fulfilled, especially as it pertained to Jesus’ following teaching on the Sermon on the Mount:
It was with the culmination of the Discipleship Training, “A Journey with Jesus”, Jesus’ Great Commission, the End Times teaching of Daniel and Revelation, and Irvin Baxter’s illumination of EndTimes, I have come to realize, like Joseph bringing his own family into Egypt, 210 years before the Israelites deliverance out of Egypt towards fulfilling God’s Covenant and Promise of Entering into the Promise Land, as God Promised:
The fact of the matter is that God always provides a way out of our time(s) of adversity before we even enter into to our time(s) of adversity (1). The mother of the deliver, Moses, was born before Jacob’s family even set foot into Egypt. “How “Awesome” is that?” And yet the reality to Jacob’s families new position, and our ultimate inheritance, is that Joseph, a type of “Messiah”, provided the entire family a safe haven (2) for his family to prosper, multiply (3), and ultimately be “raptured” (4) (covered from God’s ultimate Wrath on his enemies), in a city that He designate in Egypt, “the World”, for their provision, protection, and ultimately their deliverance into their future inheritance, “Goshen”, meaning, a land or place of plenty and comfort. It was in “Goshen” that God’s people were protected from the Wrath of God, through the plagues, beginning with the fourth (5) plague, “Flies”, as read in Exodus 8:22 (6), which symbolically is the number of “divine appointments” and “divine/appointed rest”.
It was with this understanding that I now believe more than ever that God is now beginning to unveil what He has been doing to prepare His Church to be “saved” in these End Times, toward the fulfillment of Him completing everything that He began from the beginning of time, truly the “Author and Finisher” of our faith (Hebrews 12:2); and that more than ever, the message of “Disciple Making” is just as much as important "Now" as it was when Jesus Commissioned it nearly 2,000 years ago, yet at the same time we are not to be caught off guard like a “Thief in the Night”, as Paul teaches in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11:
With that, following is a Resource from Endtimes Ministry that I would like to highly recommend to those who would like a concise overview of End Times events from “Here to Armageddon”, presented by Irvin Baxter, in addition to a LINK to Jesus’ own Discipleship Training to both the Church and all those who choose to Follow Him to Eternal Life, by beginning to observe everything that Jesus’ has commanded us in fulfillment of Revelation 22:14 :
As well as, in Jesus’ answer to the ultimate question in Luke 18:18-30:
And finally, in Jesus’ ultimate clarification of who are and who are not His Followers in Luke 14:25-33:
Ryan Roberts - Key2Changes.comThe Recommended Resource Option LINKs:
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