“The Calling” Gala, Friday, January 10, 2020, with Directors Chrysandra and Miles, an event supporting the Hattians, following the 10 year anniversary of the catastrophic earthquake that killed over 300,000 Hattians, with the ultimate goal to give Hope back to a country that has nothing more than the Hope to restore what has been lost, and an opportunity to establish the only True Hope “Jesus”, to a country that over 200 years ago was dedicated to Satan, where in which their country’s name originated from, “Haiti”. It was at this Gala that I met a man by the name of Kyle who was a co-partner with the Guest Speaker, Rex, a former Catcher for the Boston Red Socks, who left the sport to make a Real and True Impact in the World with the message of God’s Hope, Jesus Christ, following a family line of four generations of ministers. In learning Kyle’s story, I shared the story of Key 2 Changes and our recent completion of the Spanish Translation of our book series, "A Journey with Jesus", Jesus' own Discipleship Training, in context to Kyle's story he shared about their involved with several Spanish Speaking countries, including two of them this year. Kyle stopped me and shared with me that his girlfriend had a dream the night before in which she was shown Kyle speaking to an individual at the end of the Gala that would help define the message in the new year to the countries that they would be speaking in, which happened to be several Spanish Speaking countries. Kyle immediately texted his girlfriend to let her know her Dream had come to pass, while at the same time Kyle introduced me to Rex, the Guest Speaker, and we got to share the God Appointment that God was putting together.